First MRI Images of Live Birth
Although it's not as cool as x-rays of video game controllers, a hospital in Berlin performed an MRI scan of a live birth. The exam was done in order to see why labor stalls and why women require...
View ArticleSpread some holiday cheer. Don't shoot anyone!
15% off spongebob scrubs with promo code "spongebob_sale" I was told this all summer, but I still can't believe it's really true. All summer we had violent crime victims, mostly GSWs (gunshot wounds)...
View ArticleGabrielle Giffords and the drama of neuro-intensive care
US Rep. Gabrielle GiffordsLast night it was interesting watching Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta sort of stumble over trying to describe the medical care someone receives after surviving a gunshot...
View ArticleThe Illinois Home Birth Safety Act did not pass
Get 15% off a scrubs jacket with promo code "jackets_t3c" So SB 3712, the Illinois Home Birth Safety Act, did not pass. Despite passing the Senate it failed to pass the House by a larger margin than...
View ArticleBreastfeeding and SIDS prevention - and sleep apnea? and orthodontics?
Brian Palmer is quite an interesting dentist. He has an entire website (albiet in premodern html) devoted to the importance of breastfeeding. He maintains that infant feeding techniques have an...
View ArticleSurviving the Blizzard
We were shortstaffed, had no nurse's aides, our supply of linen was cut off, doctors weren't calling us other words, it was a typical night shift.My normal commute to workOur blizzard shifts...
View ArticleThat's no excuse!!
Sorry for the dearth of posts. We're trying to buy a house, for real this time. Also...we are pregnant. I'm not going to say how many kids this makes.The Man-Nurse Diaries
View ArticleThe Bachelor's of Nursing. Tell me again why I should get it.
Some days ago I was assigned a nursing student from a university to follow me in the care of one of my ICU patients and give certain meds under supervision. I've done this before and I'm always...
What a busy couple of months. So we bought this foreclosure house which has occupied pretty much every waking hour aside from work. It's structurally sound but a combination of neglect and a former...
View ArticleUniform policy time.
Pregnancy update: which is that, um, we're still pregnant. We're past due day three now, I believe. This baby is low. Everyone applaud my wife for going to the gym yesterday! Everyone boo for that not...
View ArticleIT A GRIL
Go to Cakewrecks. It's funny.We totally had a baby yesterday. It went like this. A couple days of false labors starting and stopping. Then yesterday morning she's going into what seems like real labor,...
View ArticleDo I sign my kid's birth certificate? Do you know any lawyers?
In the past, I've signed my children's birth certificates as the "attendant". This is not something I really ever planned to do. I think it originally just sorta happened. You go downtown and find the...
View ArticleMy Son vs. His Toe
This story might be gross. Just warning you. My son broke his big toe. Yes, it was that son, the four-year-old who's always hurting himself, the one who's always getting into things, the one who got...
View ArticleWriter's Block
I just woke up from a dream about this blog. I dreamed that another blog writer was in an uproar about my fat baby post, and had done some sleuthing and tried to identify my wife and I by name—except...
View ArticleStatin-induced cognitive impairment
I've discovered the reason why I never post in this blog, why I never accomplish anything, why I forget simple tasks, etc. The FDA added new warnings to statin drug labels, including that in very rare...
My three-year-old girl has spent a month or two thinking she's Clifford the Big Red Dog. Aside from telling everyone this, "ruff"ing in answer to things, and correcting us when we call her by her name,...
View ArticleWrongful birth?
This is probably a bad post to write. If you don't like reading abortion talk, maybe you shouldn't read this. It's nothing personal though. People are talking about this "wrongful birth" lawsuit where...
View ArticleRuining Nursing: the Doctor of Nursing Practice requirement
I work with a very smart, well-experienced ER/ICU nurse who has been working for a couple years on gaining entry to a nurse anesthetist (CRNA) program. She's considering abandoning it all, however,...
View ArticleRepeat c-sections vs. VBAC
Just wanted to draw attention to an excellent article over at S&S:Science & Sensibility » Is Elective Repeat Cesarean Surgery Truly Safer Than Planned VBAC? The short version is that in recent...
View ArticleDon't talk politics
I figured out one way to ruin a conversation at the family Easter dinner: talk a nurse practitioner student's ear off about the doctorate of nursing practice.The poor student I was probably cornering...
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